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Top Doctors & Clinics in Madison Heights, MI

A comprehensive list of Madison Heights, MI physicians, doctors & medical clinics, centers and hospitals. Read unbiased patient reviews and recommendations of local physicians.

Our goal is to provide every patient with excellent medical care in a sincere compassionate manner. Recent advances in sinus surgery have led to the development of a less invasive technique of sinus surgery called Balloon Sinuplasty. Sinuses are opened in the same way that doctors open up blocked arteries of the heart during a balloon coronary angioplasty. The technology has been extensively studied
Jeff Smith Jeff Smith Rocks — Dr. Brandes is a exceptional surgeon and my morning headaches are gone. Sinus misery and deviated septum fixed. It's nice
Gentle Foot and Ankle Care is a podiatry center with four locations in metro Detroit, including Madison Heights, Troy, Commerce Township, and South Lyon, Michigan. The experienced and compassionate team of board-certified, fellowship-trained doctors specializes in foot and ankle reconstruction, diabetic limb salvage, and other health conditions affecting the feet and ankles in people of all ages. The
The medical staff of LMC wants to be an active partner with you in acheieving and maintaining your optimal health. Our physician and physician assistant will take the time to understand your concerns and answer any questions you may have. We are a functional medicine facility which is personal medicine that deals with primary prevention and underlying causes instead of symptoms for serious chronic