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Top Doctors & Clinics in Palm Springs, CA

A comprehensive list of Palm Springs, CA physicians, doctors & medical clinics, centers and hospitals. Read unbiased patient reviews and recommendations of local physicians.

This site should not be used as a tool for self-diagnosis. You should consult with your healthcare professional if you suspect you may have a disease or health-related condition. This information is not intended to replace the advice of your physicians. Those already undergoing physician-prescribed therapy should neither stop taking, nor reduce the dosage of such treatment without their physician's
K. E. — Dr Slagle has really helped me with both nutrition and medical issues. with her help, I'm really starting to feel better
Desert AIDS Project supplies medical care and comprehensive support services to people living with HIV/AIDS in the desert community. Free, confidential, rapid-result HIV testing is available, as well as counseling, home health services, legal assistance and assistance with housing, medications, food, re-employment and more. Prevention and education outreach is available to any group.
Josh Westerlund — Things started out while until my doctor resigned. I was assigned a new doctor and now I have a 4 month wait to see him.